Become A Buddy
Be a Buddy and help make this Night to Shine truly incredible for our Honored Guests!
Yay Buddies!
One of the many wonderful highlights for our Honored Guests is how much they love spending time with their designated Buddies. It is such an important role of the evening, that impacts our guests not just that night, but forever!
For those buddies under the age of 18 you will need to complete the registration form as well as a permission slip which we will email to you. For those buddies over the age of 18 you will need to get a background check, we will email you instructions once you have registered.

Frequently Asked Questions
What does being their BUDDY look like?
You will be next to your Honored Guest when they get their make-up/hair done, you will go with them as they get their corsage/boutonniere, you will go with them as they get their picture taken (and you will be in a picture with them), you will go with them in the Party Bus, you will walk the Red Carpet with them, you will dance with them, eat with them (help get their food), introduce them to other Guests. Your sole responsibility is to serve the Honored Guest and make them feel loved, honored, accepted and celebrated. This is a very special night for them, and you are a BIG part of it. And we expect that once it’s over, you will also consider it a special night for you too.
What age do I need to be in order to be a buddy?
You must be between 16 years old or older in order to be a Buddy to an Honor Guest. If you are over the age of 18 you will also have to complete a background check that we will send to all registered Buddies.
Buddies that are under the age of 18 must have a signed permission slip in order to participate.
Will there be a training?
Yes! We will inform you and equip you with everything you need to know to be the best Buddy and to really enjoy the experience. We will email all registered Buddies directly, with a finalized training date that will be in the month of January, 2025.
What do I wear?
You must arrive dressed and ready to serve as a Buddy from the moment of arrival.
A MODEST dress, with appropriate hair and make-up.
Dress shirt, Slacks (no jeans), Tie (optional)
Please remember this night is about our HONORED GUESTS. You do not want to be a distraction in ANY way from their night. This is THEIR prom not yours.
What do I do when I arrive?
You will go to the designated Buddy Check-In table, where you will be given a name tag, and guided to the next station, where you will be partnered up as the Buddy for a specific Honored Guest. You will be by their side the ENTIRE EVENING, from 5:30 p.m. until 9 p.m.