Foster Care
Los Angeles County has one of the largest populations of children in the welfare system in the United States.
Over 35,000 children have experienced abuse and neglect, and are without the love of a strong family.
Our community is in desperate need and we want to share ways you can be part of the solution!
Over 35,000 children have experienced abuse and neglect, and are without the love of a strong family.
Our community is in desperate need and we want to share ways you can be part of the solution!
South Hills Burbank has relationships with these amazing organizations.
Check them out and see how you can provide support.
Check them out and see how you can provide support.
Care Portal
CarePortal connects churches and individuals with children and families who are at a point of crisis and need help. Join the South Hills CarePortal team to be notified when there are local needs.
Join the Team
FosterAll helps families select the agency that is best suited for them and provides ongoing personal support throughout their foster/adopt experience. If you would like to learn more about fostering, click the button below!
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CASAs are trained, dedicated and caring community volunteers who are assigned to work one-on-one with a child in the foster care system.
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Emergency Foster Care closet & system of support for DCFS foster children and the families that love them. Shop their Amazon Wish List and ship items directly to them.
Amazon Wishlist
Kids in the Spotlight helps foster youth express themselves and confront trauma through film making. Contact KITS to learn more about their volunteer needs.
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